Dandruff: Surprising Facts

While it does seem like dandruff is something rather common, there are quite a few interesting facts that you may not be aware of. What is more, some of them might actually help you control the condition. Let’s have a look.

1. It’s not caused by dry scalp but can look similar
A flaky scalp may be caused by excessive application of oils to the scalp. These oils can feed the yeast that can overgrow and be a trigger of dandruff. Sometimes, a dry scalp can be caused by eczema, allergies, or psoriasis.

2. You shouldn’t refrain from washing your hair as much as you would like
Some people advise that it is not good to shampoo your hair every day. This is because you will strip the scalp of its natural oils. However, dandruff is actually posing the exact opposite problem and allowing the normal body oils to accumulate can care a flare up of dandruff.

3. You can have dandruff on your face which is also known as seborrheic dermatitis
The oily flakes are not necessarily related to the skin of your scalp. The fact of the matter is that they can also be present in the beard or eyebrows just as easily.


Eczema: The Things You Might Not Know

Coming from a Greek word which means “to boil” eczema is an extremely common skin condition. Regardless of how mild it may seem, this is something that can be treated effectively with many preventative measures.

Well, here are some facts that you might not have known.

1. The disease is common in developed nations where people bathe frequently
Regardless of the fact that we maintain far better personal hygiene compared to the past, people often continue to suffer from eczema. The is due to frequent bathing without adequate application of moisturizer. This practice can strip away the protective natural moisturizing factors which some sometimes trigger eczema due to severe dry skin.

2. Increased humidity can help the skin
Those who live in warmer climates where there is higher humidity levels (water vapor content in the air) are less prone to eczema. This is probably due to the water vapor in the air which can keep the skin moist. In countries where the temperature drops and gas, electric, or wood heaters are used, the humidity levels drop which may cause a flareup of eczema during the wintertime. To help prevent such flareups, placing a humidifier in home can help prevents these flareups.

3. Foodsrarely cause eczema
Typically, food allergies cause hives. Hives are a rash which can be present on the body for less than 24 hours and erupt immediately after ingesting the culprit food. Shellfish, nuts such as peanut butter, fruits such as strawberries are known to cause hives. Eczema typically lasts weeks with intermittent flareups without a known trigger. If you think a food may be triggering your eczema, a food diary can be helpful. This involves writing down every food eaten throughout the month, writing down flareups, and trying to identify a pattern.

4. Eczema can’t be cured but can be controlled so don’t give up hope!
Eczema has numerous causes including hereditary, environmental, and allergic factors – it can’t really be cured but can be controlled. Using a thick moisturizer to the entire body immediately after bathing, a gentle soap only in stinky areas such as the underarms and groin, avoiding any possible triggers, and using a humidifier during the winter months can all help prevent flarups.

These are a few interesting and not widely known facts about the condition. It is important to have them in mind when considering treatment options, triggers, and what you can do yourself to help control the condition

